Thursday, May 1, 2008

oh my god....

I am completely in love with this baby sling I found in the new edition of Domino magazine. It is beautiful 100% organic cotton with a super soft brushed interior on the inside for baby. I love the grass green color with the marigold on the inside. It is beautiful and the embroidery on the outside has been done by hand. (sigh) The website said they will only have limited quantities available in June and that one must preorder. The website is stressing me out. I think I have to have this beautiful baby sling.


bonnie said...

that is pretty~
you would look so cute wering that~
i am sending you the ergo baby
carrier~ for when the baby can hold his/her head up~ it is still in perfect condition if you want it.
do you?

bonnie said...


sara v. said...
